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No finer partner exists for a premium cigar than this coffee. It is grown in the mountains a stone’s throw from Nicaragua’s famous cigar rollers and is drunk by them every day. Cigar No.1 reflects fifteen years of pairing experience put to work. Clean finish allows you to enjoy with a cigar. Definitely to be enjoyed also without a cigar and often is.
We roast Cigar No. 1 to Classic Medium as well as to a Rich, Dark Roast. Both are delicious!
Did you know? It can take five years to craft a balanced cigar. Years spent growing, drying, fermenting, aging, selecting, hand-rolling, and maturing. There are few other premium products that parallel the dedication and human effort it takes to create a specialty coffee. Estelí has become Nicaragua's center for the cigar craft. It is not only a craft, it is an economic powerhouse. Dating back to MesoAmerican rituals, hand-rolling keeps tradition alive while creating opportunities & economic independence for 1,000s of families in Northern Nicaragua.